“I’m in the Room for a Reason” - Pearl Tang

Pearl Tang is an impressive tech leader. She works seamlessly across business technology, and design. She’s a Senior Innovation Advisory Consultant at Amazon Web Services.

She is a graduate of Australia’s most prestigious university, and has over 20 years of experience across organisations like PwC. And yet, Pearl has experienced some of the challenges that women in tech face, and that are exacerbated for intersectional women.

In the interview Pearl did for the EVEN platform, she shared her honest experience of being spoken over, her ideas being dismissed, and being underestimated because of looking young.

But we love the way Pearl turned those experiences around into a deep understanding of her value and her experience, culminating in the phrase “I’m in the room for a reason”.

Her interview is a masterclass in how to hold your own, how to navigate barriers, and how to become exceptionally clear about your unique proposition.


“Sometimes You Need tough Love” - Dr Jess Blomfield


“How We Make it Work” - Ellen and Nora, EVEN Co-Founders, Share Their Choice of Life Partner