Linda Brown

How to be a fearless entrepreneur

Get ready for an awesome story with our guest, Linda Brown.

Hailing from a tiny village in Scotland, you'll hear how Linda had the courage and tenacity to set up a University from scratch.

She was the founding CEO and President of Torrens University, Australia's first privately funded University. She started with 164 students and Torrens have now served over 100,000 learners through their courses.

Linda doesn't sugarcoat, and she will encourage you to own your choices.

Listen to this episode to:

  • Be ready to embrace opportunities and take risks to grow

  • Have the courage to surround yourself with people who will lift you higher, not drag you down

  • Stop waiting for invitations and instead be proactive in your career

  • Own you mistakes, even if it hurts

  • Be clear about your purpose and your choices.


Dr Terri Simpkin


Dr Julia Lu